In SEO, keywords play an important role. If you choose the incorrect keywords, your efforts to optimize for users and search engines will be useless. So, let's clearly understand the different types of keywords used in SEO.
How Many Types of Keywords in SEO?
Basically, keywords are closed into two types.
These different types of keywords are:
1- Intent-Based Keywords
2- Length-Based Keywords
1- Intent Based Keywords
Intent-based keywords consider the intentions of users when they enter keywords into search engines.
These Intent Based keywords are further divided into 5 parts.
These are:
i- Informational Keywords
ii- Commercial Keywords
iii- Navigational keywords
iv- Transactional Keywords
v- Hybrid Keywords
i- Informational Keywords
Informational keywords are used when a user wants to learn more about a particular topic.
When people are at the awareness stage of the purchasing funnel, they use informative keywords. (Why, How, What, etc.)
Example: How to start a career in Marketing.
ii- Commercial Keywords
Commercial Keywords are used when a user wants to research a specific topic.
People make use of these keywords when they are getting ready to make a purchase through the buying funnel (Best, Review, Compare, etc)
Example: Best Digital Marketing course in Pakistan.
iii- Transactional Keywords
Transactional Keywords are used when a user is prepared to make a purchase.
When a user is at the conversion stage of the buying funnel, they use transactional keywords. (Buy, Cheap, Online Sale, etc.)
Example: Cheapest Digital Marketing course online.
iv -Navigational keywords
Navigational keywords are used when a user has the intention of visiting a specific website.
When people want to visit a specific website, they use navigational keywords ( any specific site name)
Example: Neil Patel's SEO course.
v- Hybrid Keywords
Users enter hybrid Keywords when they combine Transactional & Navigational Keywords, such as dual nature.
Example: Buy WordPress Course from Udemy.
2- Length Based Keywords
In this type, keywords are considered on basis of length. Here length based is further divided into 3 parts.
i Short Tail search terms
ii- Mid Tail keywords
iii- Long Tail Keywords
i- Short Tail Keywords
Short Tail Keywords are so-called generic keywords, which are broad search terms with a high search volume.
These words often consist of 1-2 words. Also, they are very competitive to rank on Google.
Example: Digital Marketing
ii- Mid Tail Keywords
Mid Tail keywords are those with a high search volume that falls between broad and specific search terms.
Usually, these keywords consist of 2-3 words. Moreover, they are more descriptive & less competitive than short-tail keywords.
Example: Digital Marketing Course
iii- Long Tail Keywords
Long Tail Keywords are the most lengthy and are specific to a certain topic or targeting audience.
These keywords often contain 3–4 words or more. These include a high conversion rate, low search volume, and low competition for Google rankings.
Example: Digital Marketing Course in Multan.